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5 Things to be Considered in Maintaining A Healthy Pregnancy

5 things to be considered in maintaining a healthy pregnancy - One Pedia

Pregnancy is one of the precious things to have for most married couples, especially women. Pregnant women dream to have a healthy, adorable, and smart baby. However, they are not easy to be done. Pregnant women obviously hope to have a healthy baby during and after pregnancy. Therefore, the writer tries to compile some tips from the previous articles. Here are 5 things to be considered in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

First, pregnancy exercise
Most pregnant women tend to choose not to do any works or exercises. Exercise during pregnancy is important. It is really recommended that they do some exercises to improve their core strength and prepare their muscles and nerves for childbirth. So, what should they do? They can join some pregnancy exercise programs or gyms for pregnant women.

This kind of program is created by some experts to keep pregnant women fit during their pregnancies. The movements are quite similar to Yoga. Besides strengthening their muscles and nerves, this exercise can reduce the urinate frequency which usually becomes a problem for most pregnant women.

Second, dental treatment
Perhaps, you don’t see any correlation between dental treatments and pregnancy. Here are the explanations.

It is really confusing for pregnant women in finding the answer why they should pay attention to this. Pregnancy can lead to dental problems to some women. It can be caused by the hormonal changes. Common oral disease during pregnancy is gingivitis. Pregnant women should clean their oral cavity thoroughly because the hormonal changes during pregnancy may exaggerate the response of the gum tissues to the plaque bacterial toxins. And as the result, the gums are swollen, red, and bleeding. Based on research, it usually occurs during 2 until 8-month pregnancy.

“In 2008, America’s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research reported that 18% of pregnant women had this problem ”

“American Dental Hygienists Association mentioned that 18% of premature babies were born from mothers who have dental damage. It is also mentioned that P.Gingivalis bacteria can be poisonous and when it reaches the placenta, the poison can obstruct the growth of the fetus and uterus”.

Third, avoiding non-recommended exercise
Pregnant women have limitation in doing certain exercises. Such exercises or sports as skipping, full sits up, gymnastics, horse riding, roller skating, sprint, and some sports with hard body contacts like softball, football, futsal, basket ball, volley ball are not recommended for pregnant women. Mostly, these sports will really sap our energy, moreover if these kinds of sport are done by pregnant women, it can be dangerous. Even though, most pregnant women are reluctant to do any exercises, but some still can enjoy the sports mentioned. However, the women do not really do the sports movements like usual. They only do some similar movements like those mentioned sports, for examples: holding their breath, twisting their waist and hip, changing  positions rapidly, holding on their knees, etc. They are not recommended.

Fourth, have a healthy diet.
This is really obvious that we have to run a healthy diet for optimizing our health, especially if we are pregnant. This is important to have a balance nutrient in pregnant women’s body. Good nutrition can also harm their health if it is not balance. Usually, pregnant women need 45% more calorie and nutrition; it is about 2500 kcal/day. It is increasing gradually based on the increasing age of the pregnancy. It is really recommended that pregnant women have enough protein, carbohydrate, vitamin, folic acid, and mineral in their daily diet. It is also recommended to have a consultation with the doctor about nutrition needed during pregnancy.

Fifth, avoiding smoke during pregnancy.
The four mentioned tips will be useless if pregnant women still cannot stop their smoking habit. A researcher in Providence Hospital, Michigan, reported that smoking is the leading cause of unexpected labor like premature birth.
Okay then, they are 5 things to be considered in maintaining a healthy pregnancy that Opedi can share.

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